690 Berkmar Circle
Suite 311
Charlottesville, 22901
(434) 989-2255
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Who We Are
IKOR Transport can schedule transportation in the service area. IKOR Transport is affiliated with IKOR of Charlottesville, a care management and patient advocacy firm. A caregiver's eye for well-being is combined with reliable, wheelchair-accessible transportation so that seniors and individuals with disabilities can regain independence. We offer door-to-door transportation for those who just need a ride, and room-to-room transportation for those who need more support.
Drivers are trained in communication strategies for those with dementia, managing wheelchairs and walkers, transfer techniques, and managing falls. They are also CPR and First Aid certified. Drivers can assist with sign-in documents at places such as doctors’ offices, help with other simple tasks, hold onto documents, and even assist with groceries.
You pay for our services once your ride is complete and our driver will accept all major credit and debit cards.
Visit the website for rate details.
Who We Serve
Cost & Payment Methods
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