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Our Resource Directory

We understand that accurate information about local programs and services is essential to effectively planning for the long term care needs or wellness or the health care of yourself, a friend, spouse or family member. This information is often hard to find, particularly in a time of crisis. That's why we devote so much of our effort and funding to our service provider directory.

Our directory contains over 27,000 resources available to all Virginians-whether you live in a waterfront town on the Eastern Shore or the coal mining community of Big Stone Gap in the Southwest. Area Agencies on Aging, caregiver support groups, geriatricians, insurance counseling and senior centers are just a fraction of what you'll find here.

The VirginiaNavigator family of websites ( share a resource database. This database contains all of the articles, links and service providers found on these websites. The Topic Search uses the topic you request and your ZIP code of City/County to determine your search results.  

When you conduct a search, results are listed alphabetically in the following categories: Local Services (including direct matches to your search topic and other related services), Statewide and National Services, Articles and Links. If there are more than 5 services returned, you will need to click 'View All' to see all of the results.

If you are searching for a service offered by your community's sponsor, you will see their information displayed first.


Data Collection

As you use our directory, you'll notice that for each resource we provide more than just a name, telephone number, and address. Our goal is to give you enough information to make an informed decision about whether a service is right for you or your loved one. To do this, we adhere to data standards recommended by the Administration for Community Living and the Alliance of Information and Referral Systems.


Inclusion /Exclusion Criteria

General Guidelines

  • Resource directory includes public, private, and not-for-profit resources relating to the health and wellness of older adults, family caregivers, people with disabilities and veterans in Virginia because we believe that consumers have a right to know about the full continuum of services available to them, regardless of their ability to pay.
  • We will not recommend any program over another and will not evaluate the quality of services provided.
  • No endorsement or lack of endorsement of any organization or its program(s) shall be construed from its inclusion or omission from the resource directory.
  • We reserve the right to include or exclude any organization at our discretion.
  • Under special circumstances which may not be addressed by these guidelines, our staff will review and issue a determination for inclusion or exclusion.
  • The resource directory will be updated on a regular basis to ensure accuracy of information. If any entity or private practitioner fails to respond to a request for updated information within the specified time frame, the listing may be removed from the database.


Primary Service Area: Commonwealth of Virginia

Criterion 1 - Geographic Parameters

  • We may include organizations located within 25 miles of the state line that serve Virginia residents. Many Virginians live in communities that extend beyond the boundaries of the Commonwealth of Virginia. For example, citizens of Bristol, Virginia will also need information about services in Bristol, Tennessee. Likewise, Northern Virginians may utilize services in Maryland or the District of Columbia.
  • Additionally, there may also be national or regional resources that are available to citizens regardless of their residency. For example, individuals who participate in Medicare will need information about local, state, and national organizations that can help them understand and access this program.

Criterion 2 - Quality and Safety

  • Licensure, certification, and accreditation are processes used to help ensure that services meet minimum standards of quality and safety. We will not monitor compliance with regulatory standards, but will verify good-standing with appropriate regulatory entities.
  • Where a licensure requirement exists (i.e. assisted living, adult day care services) inclusion will be directly tied to the verification of licensure with the appropriate regulatory agency.
  • There are accepted industry-regulated standards that may be required in order to be included in the directory.

Criterion 3 - Target Populations

  • The VirginiaNavigator family of websites is designed to directly improve or maintain the health of Virginians aged 55 or older, family caregivers, people with disabilities and veterans. The service is designed to assist older adults, family caregivers of older adults, people with disabilities and veterans.

Criterion 4 - People with Disabilities

  • The resource directory is designed to provide long-term support services to people with disabilities.

Criterion 5 - Children and Families

  • The resource directory is designed to directly improve or maintain the quality of life for Grandparents caring for grandchildren and kinship care.



  • Organizations which discriminate against age, disability, gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, ancestry, nationality or other similar factors.
  • Organizations which misrepresent their services in any way, including non-delivery of listed services.
  • Organizations or individuals which are not licensed, where a licensing standard exists.
  • Organizations that promote or deliver illegal services.
  • Organizations located outside of the Commonwealth of Virginia and which in no way serve residents of the Commonwealth.
  • Organization/Individual selling product by Brand Name, i.e.-XYZ Vitamins would be excluded, but a medical supply company selling a variety of products would be included.


Appeal Process

Organizations that wish to appeal a decision regarding their inclusion or exclusion, or consumers who wish to make a similar appeal should address their concerns, in writing, to:

Kim Tarantino
Deputy Director
7501 Boulder View Drive, Suite 630
N. Chesterfield, VA 23225

The VirginiaNavigator family of websites' resource directory is a work in progress. Our data set changes daily as we learn of emerging services or changes in existing programs. The data collection is challenging, especially in the constantly evolving health and human services industry.

Our staff is passionate about bringing you accurate information about available community resources. We travel many paths and keep digging to discover the most comprehensive information about every program in our database. We survey thousands of organizations monthly and quarterly and provide various updating capabilities. We are fortunate that so many organizations, professionals and volunteers lend their experience and expertise to the creation and maintenance of the resource directory. We always welcome comments or suggestions about how to improve the directory.

Tell us if you find what you need, or if you couldn't find the help you needed. Your feedback helps us improve our service to you and your community. Contact us at